
Transmission grids, HVDC & underground cables

20 January 2025 – 12 May 2025

Transmission grids are rapidly evolving due to the rise of renewable energy sources and the key role of electrification in the energy transition. In Europe, energy generation from offshore wind continues to increase, with an installed capacity that will reach 300 to 450GW by 2050. Additional transmission capacity is vital to bring electric power onshore and to main load centres. With the reinforcement and expansion of the transmission grid, underground cables come into the picture as a viable solution, gaining public acceptance as opposed to overhead lines. Furthermore, high voltage direct current (HVDC) systems are being considered and under construction worldwide to expand the electric power system and to accommodate the integration of renewable energy sources.

This course offers a balanced introduction to transmission grids and its components, with a focus on vital technologies for future grids: underground cables and HVDC. By the end of this course, participants will have a solid understanding of the transmission grid, its challenges, and emerging solutions.

This course is a collaboration between UGain and Etch, the Energy Transmission Competence Hub of EnergyVille..


This course is aimed at engineers that want to reorient and power system professionals that want to broaden their knowledge.

You will dive into the latest advancements in transmission systems, learn from industry experts, and understand the key technologies shaping the future of power systems.

The number of participants is limited to 25.

To receive a certificate, one should attend all the lessons and succeed for the final exam.

The exam will take place on 16 June 2025.

Scientific Coordination

  • Prof. Dirk Van Hertem, Electrical Energy Systems and Applications, KU Leuven
  • Prof. Lieven Vandevelde, Department of Electromechanical, Systems and Metal Engineering, Ghent University
  • Ir. Joachim Vermunicht, Electrical Energy Systems and Applications, KU Leuven


  • Jef Beerten, KU Leuven
  • Johan Beets, Omicron
  • Tobias Boderé, Jan De Nul
  • Thierry Capelle, Nexans
  • Geraint Chaffey, KU Leuven
  • Wim De Smet, Elia
  • Hakan Ergun, KU Leuven
  • Michael Kleeman, KU Leuven
  • Jos Knockaert, Ghent University
  • Didier Liemans, Nexans
  • Rick Loenders, KU Leuven
  • Mykola Marchenko, Pauwels Trafo
  • Amauri Martins-Britto, KU Leuven
  • Ralf Meier, NKT
  • Bruno Stuyts, Ghent University
  • Johan Rimez, Elia
  • Piet Van Der Biest, Siemens Energy
  • Dirk Van Hertem, KU Leuven
  • Guy Van Heurck, Engie Electrabel
  • Alexander Vande Ghinste, ArcelorMittal
  • Lieven Vandevelde, Ghent University
  • Roel Vanthillo, Marlinks
  • Joachim Vermunicht, KU Leuven
  • Stefaan Vleeschouwers, Hitachi


This module introduces the fundamentals of power systems, covering generation, loads and transmission grids. Key technologies such as switchgear, transformers and power electronics are introduced. You will delve into three-phase systems, line diagrams, and basic power system calculations. You will learn about frequency and phase measurements, mathematical transformations used for power electronics, and power flow analysis methods. This module offers a comprehensive overview of essential power system technologies and mathematical concepts for power system engineers.

Lecturers: Jef Beerten, Hakan Ergun, Mykola Marchenko, Dirk Van Hertem, Guy Van Heurck, Lieven Vandevelde
Date & location: 20 & 27 January (Odisee Brussels) & 3 February 2025 (Ghent University)

This module delves into the intricacies of cable technology, transmission line theory, and cable auxiliaries like cable joints. You will learn about line models, their assumptions, and constraints. You will explore power quality, FACTS and reactive compensation, and participate in a practical session on power flows with cabled systems. The module covers both theoretical and practical aspects of cable projects, including essential monitoring techniques.
This module ensures a well-rounded understanding of modern underground cable systems.

Lecturers: Tobias Boderé, Thierry Capelle, Hakan Ergun, Didier Liemans, Jos Knockaert, Amauri Martins-Britto, Ralf Meier, Bruno Stuyts, Piet Van Der Biest, Roel Vanthillo
Date & location: 17 & 24 February (Odisee Brussels) & 10 March 2025 (Ghent University)

This module introduces key concepts for the safe and continuous operation of transmission grids. You will learn about safety in electrical installations, transmission system protection, and short-circuit calculations.

Hands-on workshops in the EnergyVille labs will cover distance protection near HVDC systems, and protection relay testing in analog and digital environments with introduction to digital substations.

We will visit the National Control Centre to learn about dispatching, balancing (FCR, FRR...), network security, N-1 contingency planning etc. A network simulator demonstration will show the impact of cabled systems and HVDC on the grid. Additionally, we will visit the training substation of the transmission system operator.

This module offers practical insights into real-world and safe operation of transmission grids.

Lecturers: Johan Beets, Geraint Chaffey, Wim De Smet, Michael Kleeman, Rick Loenders, Johan Rimez, Alexander Vande Ghinste, Stefaan Vleeschouwers
Date & location: 17 March (Odisee Brussels), 24 March (Energy Ville) & 31 March 2025 (National Control Centre Elia)

This module gives a general and technical introduction to HVDC, intended for participants with a wide range of backgrounds. Different aspects of HVDC are covered, including:

  • Historic perspective of HVDC
  • Advantages of HVDC compared to AC technologies for power transmission
  • Introduction to HVDC technology and its power electronics
  • HVDC control and operation principles
  • Ancillary services with HVDC and power system reliability
  • HVDC case studies and projects
This module ensures a solid understanding of the basics of HVDC grids and HVDC technology.

Lecturers: Jef Beerten, Geraint Chaffey, Hakan Ergun, Piet Van Der Biest, Dirk Van Hertem, Joachim Vermunicht
Date: 28 April, 5 & 12 May 2025 (Odisee Brussels)

Practical info


The participation fee includes the tuition fee, course notes, soft drinks and coffee.

Payment occurs after reception of the invoice.
All invoices are due in thirty days. All fees are exempt from VAT.

Modules 1 and 3 can’t be followed separately.

Module 1
Power systems and basic concepts

Can't be followed separately

Module 2
Underground cables and transmission lines

€ 625

Module 3
Protection, planning and operation

Can't be followed separately

Module 4
HVDC introduction and technology

€ 625

Complete course

€ 2.250


  • When a participant of a company subscribes for the complete course, a discount of 20% is given to all additional subscriptions from the same company. In that case, only one invoice is issued per company.
  • PhD students receive a discount of 40%.
  • Members of Flux50 or De Blauwe Cluster receive a discount of 10% for the first registration. From the second registration onwards, a 20% discount is received (see information about simultaneous registrations from the same company).
  • Partners of Etch – Energy Transmission Competence Hub can retrieve their discount after registration via the Etch partnership program.

Combining discounts is not possible

Cancellation policy

Cancellation must be done in writing.

Our cancellation conditions can be consulted on www.ugain.ugent.be/cancellation

Training vouchers

Ghent University accepts payments by KMO-portefeuille (www.kmo-portefeuille.be; authorisation ID: DV.O103194).

Opleidingsverlof (VOV)

This training is recognized in the context of VOV. Click here for more information.
Click here to view all terms and conditions.

Personal data

Last Name* mandatory
First Name*  
E-mail participant*  
Billed privately or on the company?*  

Private data

Number plate (for access to the car park)
Street en number
Postal code

Company data

Company name
'Flux 50' membership (if applicable):
'De Blauwe Cluster' membership (if applicable):
E-mail administration (if applicable)
Street en number
Postal code


I subscribe to the course Transmission grids, HVDC & underground cables :
Modules 1 and 3 can’t be followed separately.

Module 2: Underground cables and transmission lines
Module 4: HVDC introduction and technology

Complete course


I wish to stay informed about all future UGain-courses.

How were you informed about this course?

Via the UGAIN e-mailing


Cancellation policy

I have consulted the cancellation policy and I agree with it.*


The lessons are given from 13h till 17h with a coffeebreak.


  • Odisee Brussels, Warmoesberg 43, building Hermes 3
  • Ghent University, UGain, building 60, Technologiepark Zwijnaarde
  • Energy Ville 1, Thor Park 3810, 3600 Genk
  • National Control Centre Elia, Vilvoordselaan 126, 1000 Brussel
Dates may change due to unforeseen reasons.


English is used in all presentations and documentation.


Ghent University
UGent Academie voor Ingenieurs
Els Van Lierde
Technologiepark 60
9052 Zwijnaarde
Tel.: +32 9 264 55 82

PhD students should submit an application for recognition through Oasis: https://oasis.ugent.be/.

  • Select ‘Edit curriculum’ for the current academic year in the left column
  • Select ‘Curriculum’ on your right under ‘Actions’
  • Below on your right: choose ‘Overview of applications for recognition’
The application for recognition must be submitted at least one month prior to the start of the course if it includes a request for funding.

You can download the brochure here.