
Food regulation


February 2025 – June 2025

Controlling food safety is a legal requirement in the food industry and essential to maintain confidence in the Belgian food industry, both for consumers and for export. Since legislation on food safety is also constantly evolving on the basis of newly acquired scientific insights, there is also a need for continuous investment in training and further education.

This course explains the concept of building science-based and/or evidence-based legislation as a risk management strategy for ensuring food safety and quality. Insight is gained into European and national (Belgian) food legislation, framed in a broad international context. Several legal documents for the management of food safety, hygiene, use of additives and nutritional composition of foods, Novel foods, etc. will be discussed. Invited guest speakers illustrate specific legislative topics and introduce a multi-actor approach (e.g. risk managers, food industry, consumer organisations).

The micro-credential is primarily aimed at a professional audience at companies from the food industry, sector organisations, consultancy and government that are interested in food safety.

The language of instruction is English, which requires a sufficient command of the English language.

Micro-credentials are small courses of academic level that focus on specific competencies. They often consist of one or several subjects which are also taught in an university bachelor's or master's degree.

If you pass the micro-credential, you will receive a certificate as proof that you have completed the acquired competencies. So you also acquire real official credits who are recognized in your further career, also internationally. They can also lead to exemptions for other courses, also at other institutions and organizations.

You will receive a certificate of the micro-credential + credit certificate when you pass the corresponding exam (4 ECTS points).

Scientific coordination

Prof. dr. ir. Liesbeth Jacxsens, Department of Food Technology, Safety and Health, Faculty of Bioscience Engineering, Ghent University


  • Prof. Liesbeth Jacxsens, Department of Food Technology, Safety and Health, Faculty of Bioscience Engineering, Ghent University
  • Prof. dr. ir. Johan Hallaert, Policy Director, Fevia


This course is explaining the concept of setting science based and/or evidence based legislation as risk management strategy to govern food safety and food quality. Insight in European and national (Belgian) food legislation, framed in a broad international context will be provided. Multiple legal documents to manage food safety, hygiene, use of additives and nutritional composition of foods will be discussed. Invited guest speakers are illustrating specific legislative subjects and are bringing in a multiactor approach (e.g. risk managers, food industry, consumer organisations). Tools and skills to find and interpret legislative documents are practiced through exercises. A case study has to be worked out on a topic suggested by the students, in which students need to find the correct legal documents and be able to make the appropriate interpretation. In this case study, if possible, a collaboration is foreseen amongst students with different backgrounds and the multiactor approach (i.e. looking to the same topic from a different perspective) is included. The case study will be presented in front of the group and a discussion will be organised (microteaching).


1 European level

1 1 History and EU institutions
1 2 General Food Law
1 3 The Food Hygiene Package and legislation related to (micro)biological hazards
1 4 Legislation related to chemical hazards (e.g. residues and contaminants including food contact materials)
1 5 Legislation related to Food Improvement Agents (e.g. additives, enzymes, flavourings)
1 6 Legislation related to Food Information for Consumers (FIC)
1 7 Legislation related to Health and Nutrition claims
1 8 Legislation related to Novel foods, GMOs
1 9 Other documents (e.g. Guidance documents, Commission Notices) as “soft laws”

2 National level (Belgium)

1 1 Belgian Self-checking/autocontrol (principles, sector guides, checklists, quick start sheets…)
1 2 Recognitions, authorizations and registration of food business operators
1 3 Organisational framework (food safety agency and ministry of public health)

3 International context

1 1 Codex Alimentarius – horizontal and vertical standards
1 2 Setting risk-based and evidence based legal framework as risk management strategy

4 Case study

Students need to select a legal food related issue (e.g. in their home country) or select a particular food product and food business to discuss this towards presence/absence of legal documents, link towards international framework, critical view of effectiveness to govern the quality/safety/nutritional status of the food. In this case study, students should apply relevant legal documents by use of platforms, search engines and interpret these through knowledge gained during the lectures. This will be presented and discussed before the group

Practical info


343,20 euro

Course material is not included.


Participants from the food industry (paritair comité 118 or 220) can receive compensation from Alimento.

-> If the participant registers through his company, the company will receive 150 euros in compensation per teaching day (75 euros per half day).
The invoice must then be made out in the name of the food company and the participant follows the training during working time.

Since the invoice for this training is by default in the name of the participant, please contact ugain@ugent.be to have this adjusted.

-> If the participant from pc 118/220 registers personally, the invoice must be made out in the name of the participant and he or she must follow the training outside working time.
The participant can request (in advance) compensation for a personal training budget (up to 2,500 euros available).

If you will make use of this compensation, please contact ugain@ugent.be and we will arrange the necessary documents.

SME portfolio

Ghent University accepts payments via the SME portfolio (www.kmo-portfolio.be; use authorization code DV.O103193).

You can register via this link (from August). A manual for Oasis can be found here.

  • Classes start on February 11, 2025 and always take place on Tuesdays from 4 to 7 pm. Exact times and location will be communicated later.
  • Participants take the classes together with students of the Master Food Technology and Master Food Science and Nutrition.
  • The training is supported by the Ufora learning platform, which contains, among other things, the course material.
  • Exam: oral exam (70%) + assignment (with 2 students), presentation and peer assessment (30%)


Universiteit Gent
UGent Academie voor Ingenieurs
Els Van Lierde
Technologiepark 60
9052 Zwijnaarde
Tel.: +32 9 264 55 82